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Gharibabadi: Iran's reporting mechanism serves the supporters of terrorists
Kazem Gharibabadi, the Secretary of Iran's High Council for Human Rights, has vehemently criticized Javaid Rehman, the former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, for appearing alongside the leader of the notorious terrorist group, the ...

The Statement of the HCHR in Response to the Coercive Action of the U.S. in Publishing the Illusory Report on the Human Rights Situation
The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement condemning the fraudulent action of the United States in publishing the illusory report on the human rights situation.

Gharibabadi's reaction to the arrest of hundreds of American students and professors
The Vice President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights stated: “The arrest of hundreds of American students and professors protesting the crimes of Israel shows that the Unit...

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Trilateral Judicial Committee on Counter-terrorism between Iran, Iraq and Syria
On the second day of the visit of the Vice President of the Judiciary for International Affairs to Syria, the Memorandum of Understanding of the Trilateral Judicial Committee on Counter-terrorism was signed between Iran, Iraq and Syria with the aim o...

Gharibabadi's meeting with the Head of the Syrian Parliament

The United States and Western countries should stop their dual and discriminatory policy towards terrorism
The Vice President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran met with the Head of the Syrian Parliament.

“Iran will respond to any attack on its interests”, said Gharibabadi in a visit to Iran's diplomatic facilities in Damascus
The Vice President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran said: “The Islamic Republic of Iran does not condone any invasion on its interests and ...

Gharibabadi met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria

Meqdad stressed the right of self-defense of Iran against the criminal actions of the Zionist regime
The Vice President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria emphasized Iran's right to self-defense against the criminal actions of the Zionist regime.

The Joint Judicial Committee of Syria, Iraq and Iran on Counter-Terrorism Started its Activities
The Joint Judicial Committee of Syria, Iraq and Iran on Counter-Terrorism started working today April 17, 2024, in Damascus.

Gharibabadi visits Damascus to participate in the first meeting of the Trilateral Joint Judicial Committee on Counter-Terrorism
Secretary of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights Gharibabadi has arrived in the Syrian capital of Damascus to investigate the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate.

Gharibabadi: Iran's action against the Zionist regime was a self-defense and in accordance with the standards of international law
The Vice-President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights said: “Iran's response to the Zionist regime was a completely legitimate action under the United Nations Charter an...

Gharibabadi requested the Attorney General to follow up the Zionist regime's crime in attacking diplomatic places and the martyrdom of Iran's military...
In a letter to the Attorney General of the I.R. Iran, the Vice-President of the Judiciary for International Affairs requested to pursue the crime of the Zionist regime in the attack on the diplomatic places of our country and the martyrdom of the mil...
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