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Iranian teacher who goes to far-flung villages to read books to children
Ismail Azerinejad took up teaching years ago not as a profession but as an egalitarian mission — to contribute to society, and in particular, the less fortunate.

Iranian teacher who goes to far-flung villages to read books to children
Ismail Azerinejad took up teaching years ago not as a profession but as an egalitarian mission — to contribute to society, and in particular, the less fortunate.

How mainstream media sold Bush Iraq War disaster and got away with it
Twenty years ago — on May 1, 2023 — then-US President George Bush triumphantly made a now-infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech onboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, announcing the end of "combat operations&quo...

Explainer: What is Persian Gulf Day and why it matters?
The Persian Gulf, a strategic waterway and the world’s largest reservoir of oil and gas, is surrounded by eight oil-rich countries. Iran borders the entire northern shores of the water body, and its territory also forms the northern side of the...

The colonial racism we must all protest
While white Ukrainians are welcome in Britain, dark-skinned asylum seekers are being deported to Rwanda.

Role of human rights in preventing global warming
Amir Bi Parva Researcher in International Human Rights In the today world, global warming is very serious threat for all continents and countries. This threat is a direct result of climate change which has affected different dimensions of ...

The US policy of maximum pressure against Iran has failed
Majid Takht-e Ravanchi, the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations, said the US’ so-called policy of “maximum pressure” against Tehran has failed, adding that it has isolated Washington at the international arena.

She wanted to drive, so Saudi Arabia imprisoned and tortured her
by Nicholas Kristof, a columnist for The Times

My sister is in a Saudi prison. will Mike Pompeo stay silent?
By Alia al-Hathloul, the sister of the jailed Saudi women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul.
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