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Gharibabadi: Iran's reporting mechanism serves the supporters of terrorists
Kazem Gharibabadi, the Secretary of Iran's High Council for Human Rights, has vehemently criticized Javaid Rehman, the former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, for appearing alongside the leader of the notorious terrorist group, the ...

Statement of the HCHR of Iran in response to the resolution extending the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and human rights rapporteur
The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran responded to the adoption of the resolution to extend the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and human rights rapporteur by issuing a statement in which it strongly criticiz...

Gharibabadi's Explanation on 55th Session of the Human Rights Council
While criticizing the formation of the so-called fact-finding mission, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights noted that Iran is competent to deal with all its internal issues.

Gharibabadi: The report of the so-called fact-finding mission has no legal basis
Gharibabadi said during the meeting of the Human Rights Council about the so-called fact-finding panel: “The report of this mission is, in fact, a narration and legitimization of baseless claims that have been raised repeatedly in the anti-Iran...

The statement of the president elected special committee investigating the 2022 unrests
The head of the special committee elected by the president to investigate the unrests of 2022 published a statement.

The Meeting of Gharibabadi with the Director General of the International Labor Organization
In a meeting with the Director General of the International Labor Organization, recalling the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of the founding countries of the ILO, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights explained Iran&...

Gharibabadi's Meeting with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
The Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights met with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Visit of the Secretary-General of the HCHR to the "Iran and One Hundred Years of Multilateralism" Exhibition in Geneva
Gharibabadi visited the "Iran and One Hundred Years of Multilateralism" exhibition during his mission to Geneva to participate in the 55th session of Human Rights Council.

Gharibabadi: Governments and policymakers should enact laws and policies supporting the rights of Muslims
On the International Day of Combating Islamophobia and during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights called on the governments and policymakers to enact laws and policies that support ...

The reaction of the HCHR to the unreliable, biased and political report of the so-called Fact-Finding Mission
In response to the unreliable, illegal, biased and political report of the so-called Fact-Finding Mission, the High Council for Human Rights published the views of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In a letter to 3 high officials of the United Nations, Gharibabadi demanded the expulsion of the Zionist regime from the Women's Status Commission
In a letter to 3 high officials of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights demanded the expulsion of the Zionist regime from the Commission on the Status of Women.
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