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Youngest boy in court over summer riots sentenced
A 12-year-old boy, who is the youngest to appear in court in relation to this summer's riots, has been handed a 12-month referral order.

In a letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights;

Gharibabadi blasts Germany and Belgium over violation of Asadullah Asadi’s rights
In a letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the head of High Council for Human Rights called for the investigation about the arrest and illegal trial of Asadullah Asadi and his human rights abuses by Germany and Belgium.

Southern Baptist leaders release secret accused abuser list
In response to an explosive investigation, top Southern Baptists have released a previously secret list of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated personnel accused of sexual abuse.

WATCH: Cop Tackles Unarmed Man, Executes Him With a Bullet to the Back of the Head—Charged with Murder
On April 4, an unnamed officer with the Grand Rapids police department initiated a traffic stop on 26-year-old Congolese refugee Patrick Lyoya. Moments later, Lyoya would be dead from a bullet wound to the back of his head — put there by the police o...

U.S. Southern Baptists release scathing report on sexual abuse
For decades, complaints of sex abuse by pastors and staff in the largest U.S. Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, were either ignored or covered up by top clergy, according to an internal report released on Sunday.

Violence and Pushbacks at Poland-Belarus Border
Poland unlawfully, and sometimes violently, summarily pushes migrants and asylum seekers back to Belarus, where they face serious abuses, including beatings and rape by border guards and other security forces, Human Rights Watch said today. At least ...

Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, issues first report
ending the continued Israeli occupation and discrimination against Palestinians is essential to stopping the conflict and halting the persistent cycle of violence, while a ‘culture of impunity’ feeds resentment and fuels recurrent tension...

Rich countries putting children at risk: Unicef
Rich countries are creating unsafe living conditions for children both at home and around the world, a Unicef report released yesterday said, calling on states to reduce waste and cut pollution.

Four Florida prison guards arrested and charged in murder of mentally ill inmate
Four Florida Corrections officers were arrested last week and charged with murder for the February 14 death of an inmate who was allegedly beaten to death after being removed from his cell. The inmate’s tragic death at the hands of a violent assault ...

‘White House Black aides departure sign of racial discrimination in US’
Secretary-General of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights Kazem Gharibabadi has said that the exodus of African American staffers from the administration of US President Joe Biden shows the existing systemic racism in American society.

Deportations To Greece In Contravention Of Law, Red Cross Says
The Icelandic Red Cross has issued a detailed report citing numerous sources that concludes, as has been done many times before, that deporting people to Greece, and children in particular, will send them to a life lived on the street with little to ...
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