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Youngest boy in court over summer riots sentenced
A 12-year-old boy, who is the youngest to appear in court in relation to this summer's riots, has been handed a 12-month referral order.

Europe‘s Crisis: Fractures in Sheltering and Protecting Migrants
The devastating events throughout 2023 have led to increased fatalities, widespread displacement of families, and inflicted severe psychological trauma on hundreds of thousands of children.

Bibby Stockholm, a Discriminatory Policy in the UK
The British government has started the inhumane plan of settling hundreds of refugees on the "Bibby Stockholm" barge, despite the potential risks it may follow.

Lawsuit against Gender Inequality in Oklahoma Schools
the actions of the board violate Oklahoma Law and deny these students’ civil rights. This is also a direct violation of the Oklahoma Parents’ Bill of Rights.

Wealth Inequality in Canada
Inflation, high interest rates and declining real estate values are worsening wealth inequality in Canada, with younger households bearing the brunt of the financial pain.

Islamophobia Increase in Europe
Human Rights Watch’s Almaz Teffera, who researches racism in Europe from Berlin, talked about the failure of European governments to effectively address all forms of racism.

Filing a Lawsuit against the US Environmental Protection Agency for Violating the Children’s Rights
A group of 18 young California residents has sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for “intentionally” discriminating against American children by allowing the release of dangerous levels of climate change-causing greenhouse gas p...

Anti-Immigrant Policy and Practice of the European Union and the United States
The European Union and its member states have developed a blueprint for circumventing and outsourcing their human rights obligations to asylum seekers and migrants, especially those from Africa and the Middle East.; from pushing them back to other co...

UN Committee Expressing Concern on Racial Hatred and Excessive use of Force in Germany
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Friday, the 8th of December, 2023, issued its findings on Germany after reviewing the State party in its 111th session.

United States: Violation of Immigration Rights and the Right to Nondiscrimination and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
The Physicians for Human Rights’ website announced this month that the United States received a stinging indictment of its human rights record spanning the Trump and Biden administrations.

Alarm at Migration Laws Agreed by Most EU Members
Seventeen human rights NGOs issued a statement on 6th of December, sounding alarm at migration laws agreed by most EU members.
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