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Youngest boy in court over summer riots sentenced
A 12-year-old boy, who is the youngest to appear in court in relation to this summer's riots, has been handed a 12-month referral order.

Over 250 Humanitarian and Human Rights Organizations Join the Call to End Arms Transfers to Israel in Gaza War
A group of more than 250 humanitarian and human rights organizations from across the world are demanding that all States immediately halt the transfer of weapons, parts, and ammunition to Israel armed groups.

Civil Society Organizations Call on MEPs to Vote Down Harmful EU Migration Pact
Amidst warnings from over 50 Civil Society Organisations, EU lawmakers reached a political agreement on the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum in December.

Rights experts condemn AI role in destruction by Israeli military in Gaza
UN experts today deplored the purported use of artificial intelligence (AI) and related military directives by Israel in occupied Gaza leading to an unprecedented toll on the civilian population, housing, vital services and infrastructure.

Childcare in England failing and falling behind much of world, charity says
England’s childcare system is failing and falling behind those of much of the rest of the world, a UK charity for gender equality and women’s rights has said.

Police Crackdown on Climate Protests in Europe
Climate campaigners say that the forceful policing on display at The Hague on Saturday April 6, 2024, is part of a wider crackdown on protests across Europe.

Abu Ghraib Military Contractor Trial Set to Start 20 Years
On April 15, a federal court in Virginia will hear the case of Al Shimari et al. v. CACI, a lawsuit brought by the US-based Center for Constitutional Rights on behalf of three Iraqi torture victims.

Violations of the European Convention of Human Rights by Switzerland for Failing to Implement Sufficient Measures to Combat Climate Change
In Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland on April 9, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority of sixteen votes to one, that there had been a violation of Article 8 (right t...

Hundreds of vulnerable children sent to illegal and unregulated care homes in England
Hundreds of extremely vulnerable school-age children in England are being sent to illegal, unregulated homes every year because of a chronic shortage of places in secure local authority units.

Complaint against Canadian Oil Company for Human Rights Abuses
Environmental and human rights groups are calling for an investigation into Calgary-headquartered Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica), alleging the company has violated human rights in Namibia.

HR Groups Seek UN Intervention to Address Racial Profiling in France
Racial profiling by French police violates international human rights law, five French and international groups said in a complaint filed today with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
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