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UN official warns against repetition of Gaza tragedy in West Bank
The United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory has warned against the possibility of repetition of the tragedy of Gaza in the West Bank.

Iranian scientist imprisoned in US for 8 months on no charges
An academic official at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran says that a university professor has been jailed by the US authorities for the last 8 months while his trial has repeatedly been postponed due to lack of evidence.

Israel arrests 100 Palestinians in first ten days of Ramadan
A Palestinian human rights organization announced it has documented the arrest of 100 Palestinians, including four women, by Israeli forces during the first ten days of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Iran rejects UK travel warning for dual nationals
Iran’s ambassador to London has dismissed Britain's travel warning for dual UK-Iranian nationals, saying all citizens are safe during their visit provided that they are not working for foreign intelligence agencies.

Amnesty warns of fresh crackdown on dissent in Egypt
Amnesty International has expressed its concern over a likely new wave of crackdown against rights activists in Egypt after authorities in the country detained two peaceful critics of the government this week.

UN Condemns Saudi airstrikes that claim children’s lives in Sana’a
Thursday’s airstrikes on Yemen’s capital Sana’a that reportedly killed five children and injured dozens more, have been strongly condemned by UN agencies, which have warned of the “brutal toll” on civilians of more than four years of conflict.

US air attack kills 8 policemen in Afghanistan
An air attack has killed at least eight policemen by mistake during a battle with the Taliban outside the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province, the United States military and Afghan officials said.

Some 250,000 Rohingya refugees receive first ID Cards: UN
The UN said Friday it has registered more than 250,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, providing many with their first ever identification cards and proof of their right to return to Myanmar in the future.

UN calls for maximum restraint in Persian Gulf region
The United Nations on Thursday called for "maximum restraint" from all parties in the Persian Gulf region.

Iran condemns Saudi-led coalition crimes in Sana'a
Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Friday strongly condemned the recent crimes and atrocities of the Saudi-led coalition in bombarding houses in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, which claimed lives of civilians.

UN envoy: Iran not interested in escalating tensions
Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations reiterated Tehran’s opposition to any escalation of tensions in the Middle East, which he described as a lose-lose game involving all countries.
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