مطالب موجود برای 'Muslims'

Poll: Muslims doubt US claims about democracy, letting them shape own political future
A recent survey revealed that people in more than a dozen Muslim-majority nations do not agree with United States’ plans in West Asia, do not view Washington as serious about encouraging the development of democracy in the energy-rich region, nor allowing people to decide their own fate as they wish...
Sunday، 09 April 2023 - 08:31
 Europe has not provided a convincing counter-narrative to populist Islamophobia
The media takes much of the responsibility for this, and while I cannot speak for Europe as a whole, in the UK much of the media is very right-wing and anti-immigrant in its leanings. As noted, there are some counter-examples, but from Europe to India and elsewhere, we see the right dictating the na...
Tuesday، 27 April 2021 - 23:20