مطالب موجود برای 'England'

A record 3.7 million workers in England will have a major illness by 2040, according to research by the Health Foundation charity. On current trends, 700,000 more working-age adults will be living with high healthcare needs or substantial risk of mortality by 2040 – up nearly 25% from 2019 lev...
Wednesday، 17 April 2024 - 16:04
Hundreds of vulnerable children sent to illegal and unregulated care homes in England
Hundreds of extremely vulnerable school-age children in England are being sent to illegal, unregulated homes every year because of a chronic shortage of places in secure local authority units.
Sunday، 14 April 2024 - 15:00
Number of homeless families in hotels longer than legal limit doubles in a year in England
The number of homeless families being housed in hotels and B&Bs over the legal limit by English councils has doubled within a year, figures revealed.
Monday، 10 April 2023 - 10:14
Black children 11 times more likely to be strip-searched in England, Wales than white peers
An official report accuses police of the widespread abuse of their power to strip-search children, with black children 11 times more likely than their white peers to be selected by officers for the ordeal.
Wednesday، 29 March 2023 - 09:21
Report: older people in England dying without needed care
Thousands of older people have died without getting the care they needed, a charity warned.
Tuesday، 07 March 2023 - 09:07
Number of people sleeping rough in England rises for first time since 2017
The number of people estimated to be sleeping rough in England has risen for the first time since 2017, new figures showed.
Wednesday، 01 March 2023 - 09:20