Publish date: Wednesday 15 November 2023
view count : 89
create date : Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 8:51 AM
publish date : Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 8:37 AM
update date : Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 8:57 AM

Report of The High Council for Human Rights on Major Crimes of the Zionist Regime of Israel /veto of 55 Resolutions against Israel by the United States

  • Report of The High Council for Human Rights on Major Crimes of the Zionist Regime of Israel /veto of 55 Resolutions against Israel by the United States

The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran (HCHR) published a report on major crimes of the Zionist regime of Israel in the past 86 years in occupied Palestine.

HCHR_The report of the main crimes of the Zionist regime of Israel in the past 86 years has been prepared and compiled by HCHR in two parts; the first part is about the list of 86 years of crimes of the child-killing and apartheid regime of Israel, and the second part is about the resolutions of the United Nations and the Human Rights Council against the Zionist regime.

According to this report, the martyrdom and wounding of more than 40 thousand people in the last 1 month (the Al-Aqsa Storm), the destruction of more than 33 thousand residential buildings and infrastructure, and the displacement of 1 million and 400 thousand people in the last 1 month are among the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the defenseless and innocent people of Gaza.

Over the past 86 years, the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Human Rights Council have issued 512 resolutions against the Zionist regime of Israel. Moreover, 55 resolutions against the Zionist regime have been vetoed by the United States.

One of the crimes committed by the Army of the Zionist Regime, took place at dawn on April 9, 1948. Zionist terrorists attacked the village of Deir Yassin in the west of Jerusalem. The number of martyrs of this massacre is estimated to be 250 to 360 people, most of whom were women and children. The Zionist soldiers carried out massacres including torture, desecration, amputation, tearing open pregnant women's bellies, etc.  Also, 53 children were thrown down from the walls of the old region of Quds, and 25 men from the village were pulled into a bus and driven through the streets of Jerusalem and then shot them dead. The Zionists then, threw the bodies of the victims in the water wells of the village and put the top to cover up their crimes, or they piled the bodies of the martyrs on top of each other and set them on fire.

A month later, in the same year 1948, Jewish terrorist groups including Haganah, Stern and Palmach, which were supervised and trained by the United Kingdom, started their brutal attacks on Palestinian cities and villages. According to the available statistics, more than 700,000 Palestinians, which is nearly half of the Palestinian population, were displaced from their homes at that time, and 400 to 600 Palestinian villages were completely destroyed. During this war, 10 to 70 massacres took place. In 24 cases, the Zionist Regime killed about 800 Arab civilians and prisoners of war. A large number of killings of prisoners and civilians took place in 68 villages, while these villages did not pose any threat to Israel. The "worst cases" of the Zionist Regime crimes in this war included the Al-Salihiyya massacre with 60 to 70 dead, the Deir Yassin massacre with around 112 dead, the Lydda massacre with around 250 dead, and the Abu Shushah massacre with 60 to 70 dead. In Al-Dawayima the number of victims are reported to be 100 to 200, and according to some other reports, 80 to 100. In Mukhtar village, 455 people, including 170 women and children, went missing.

With the beginning of the official occupation of Palestine between 1948 and 1950, more than 530 Palestinian towns and villages were destroyed. Many of these destructions was done to prevent displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes.

Some other mass killings of the Palestinian people in their land by the Zionists took place in 1948, which include the killing of Palestinians in Salamah, Biyar 'Adas, Tiberias, Haifa, Quds, Acre, Jaffa, Safed and Bisan. During the following years, the forces of the Zionist regime did not stop committing crimes and killing innocent people and they continued committing massacre in the occupied territories in various attacks.

In February 1955, the first massacre of innocent Palestinian people began in Gaza, and the Israeli occupation began its first military attacks on the Gaza Strip. At that time, this area was under the administration of Egypt. Moshe Dayan, the then Israeli army chief of staff, was the theorist of this operation. 39 people were martyred and 33 others were injured in this attack.

The second massacre in Gaza was a 2-stage killing by the Israeli army using heavy artillery attacks which took place in the Khan Yunis area on May 30 and September 1, 1955. In the first stage, in the morning of May 30, 20 people were martyred and 20 others were injured. But in the second attack, which was at midnight on September 1, 46 people were martyred and 5 others were injured.

The first Palestinian Intifada started in December 1987 and subsided in 1991. In this intifada, more than 1300 Palestinians were martyred by the Zionist regime.

The second Palestinian intifada or al-Aqsa Intifada took place during the years 2000 to 2005, during which the Zionist Regime army martyred more than 4412 Palestinians and injured 48322 people.

The First Gaza War began with the Zionist Regime military attack on the Gaza Strip on December 27, 2008 (23-day war) and 1,419 people from the Gaza Strip were martyred, most of whom were ordinary citizens, women and children. The number of injured people was announced as 5,500 and 83% of the martyrs were women and children. In addition to security targets, Zionist Regime warplanes targeted hundreds of residential houses, hospitals, mosques, schools, universities, and UN affiliated organizations in the Gaza Strip. Research has proven that the regime used bombs containing white phosphorus and uranium in the bombing of Gaza in the aggression of 2008-2009.

The second Gaza war started in 2012 after the assassination of Ahmad al-Jabari, one of the senior commanders of the al-Qassam of Hamas. This war lasted for 8 days and the Zionist regime began its extensive air attacks on Gaza after this assassination. In this context, the Palestinian Health Information Center announced in its report that in 2012, 278 Palestinians were martyred and 2158 were injured during the aggression of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza.

The third war in Gaza started on June 12, 2014 on the pretext of missing three Israelis in the West Bank, the Zionists attacked Palestinian homes in the West Bank and more than 500 Palestinian youths were arrested. 20 days later, three Zionist settlers kidnapped a Palestinian teenager, in revenge for the kidnapping of the aforementioned three Israelis and martyred him. After stealing Abu Khadeer, they took him to a remote place, hit him on the head with a heavy object, beat him severely, and finally poured gasoline on this Palestinian teenager and set him on fire. These actions, along with other events, provided the spark for the third Gaza war. This 51-day aggression left nearly 2,260 martyrs and nearly 11,000 wounded. Children and women made up a large part of the dead, and the news announced the martyrdom of 500 children and more than 250 women. Palestinian health authorities announced that 89 families were completely killed. In this war, 7,000 houses were destroyed, 89,000 houses were damaged and a total of 60,000 people became homeless.

The war known as Al-Aqsa Storm in Gaza (until 11 November 2023) left 11,000 martyrs, of which 5,000 were children and 3,000 were women. The number of destroyed infrastructure and residential buildings has reached 32,000 units, of which, 44 were medical units, 61 were medical centers, and 41 were mosques. The number of martyred aid workers has reached 195 cases, the number of martyred journalists has reached 49, the number of injured has reached 27,500 people, and the number of displaced people has reached 1,400,000.

The most important assassinations carried out by the Zionist regime of Israel in the world

In more than 8 decades, the Zionists carried out more than 2,700 assassinations, which is an annual average of 38 operations inside and outside the occupied territories. The assassinations committed by the Zionist regime were not limited to the leaders and military activists of the Resistance, but they also target political leaders, scientists and writers.

In the 1950s, Hassan Kamel Al-Sabbah, a Lebanese scientist and one of the world's leading inventors, researchers, and scientists, was assassinated in the United States. On July 13, 1956, Egyptian army Colonel, Mustafa Hafez, who was accused of recruiting immigrants against the Zionist regime, was assassinated by a bomb in the Gaza Strip. On July 14 of the same year, Salah Mustafa, one of the Egyptian Army officers, was assassinated by a package bomb in Amman, the capital of Jordan.
In the 1960s, on September 11, 1962, the German Heinz Krug, a scientist of Egypt's missile program, was assassinated in West Germany through Operation Damocles. His body, which was stolen from his office, was never found. On November 28, 1963, five workers of the “333 Missile Factory” in Egypt were assassinated by a package bomb during the second phase of "Operation Damocles".

From the 1970s to the 2010s, 77 assassinations were carried out by the forces of the Zionist regime against the Resistance Forces, the most important of which are the assassination of Egyptian nuclear scientist Dr. Yahya Al-Mashed during "Operation Sphinx " in his hotel room in Paris, by Mossad agents, the assassination of Palestinian scientist Nabil Fliefel, the assassination of Seyed Abbas Mousavi, the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, the assassination of Commander Masoud Ayyaz, one of the leaders of Lebanon's Hezbollah, the assassination of Omar Saada, the Regional Commander of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the assassination of Jamal Mansour, one of the senior officials of the political sector of Hamas, the assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa, the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the assassination of Ismail Abu Shanab, one of the senior officials of Hamas, the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of Hamas, the assassination of Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi, the founder and leader of Hamas, the assassination of Jamal Abu Samhadan, the founder of the People Resistance Committee of Fath Organization, the assassination of Awad Abu Nasir, the Chief Commander of Islamic Jihad, the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, one of the most important officials of Hamas, the assassination of Isa Abdul Hadi al-Batran, Senior Commander of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

United Nations and Human Rights Council resolutions against the Zionist regime

From 2006 to 2023, the UN Human Rights Council has issued 104 resolutions against the Zionist regime of Israel.

Also, from 1947 to 2023, the United Nations General Assembly has issued 183 resolutions regarding the status of the Zionist regime of Israel, the Palestinians and the State of Palestine, some of which are related to the condemnation of the crimes of the Zionist regime and its anti-human rights actions. The United States has opposed majority of these resolutions.

From 1948 to 2016, the United Nations Security Council has issued 225 resolutions on the issue of Palestine and the status of the Zionist regime. More than 102 of these resolutions have condemned actions against Human Rights and International Law committed by the Zionist regime. From 1972 to November 2023, the United States has vetoed at least 55 UN Security Council resolutions critical of the Zionist regime.